Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Super Fun Night is anything but

“Super Fun Night” is a super shitty show that will soon be off the air and inevitably tarnish the reputation of its star Rebel Wilson. It’s unfair because Rebel is a genuinely funny actress but her writers are giving her nothing to work with but horribly hackneyed trash. In the pilot episode one of the supporting characters accidently get shit faced by drinking Long Island ice teas believing them to be just regular old ice teas. Are you fucking kidding me? This is by far one of the most overused and idiotic TV tropes of all time. Nobody anywhere, at any time has ever ordered a Long Island iced tea and not known immediately that it was comprised almost entirely of alcohol. If I had a time machine the first thing I would do is go back and bitch slap the mother fucker who named this drink and provided fodder for generations of lazy comedy writers. If the producers of this show were somehow able to invent a technology that would allow my television set to literally spit in my face it would be less insulting than expecting me to find humor in something so tired and asinine. And they pulled this bullshit in the first episode! Worst still, this character getting drunk had nothing to do with the plot. It did not drive the story whatsoever; they insulted our intelligence in the hopes of getting a cheap laugh. Fail. The rest of the show is basically one long fat joke intending to be self-deprecating but instead was just plain awful to watch.

I can’t help wondering if this show would even exist if Melissa McCarthy hadn’t won an Emmy. I’m not trying to belittle Rebel Wilson’s comedy prowess but it seems like America has a lot of fat girl love to give lately. I’m guessing ABC wanted to mine some of that plus sized comedy gold. Poor Rebel must have some terrible management because they’ve got her pulling a reverse McCarthy. McCarthy went from starring in a popular, critically acclaimed TV show (Mike & Molly) to a string of lousy unfunny movies (The Heat, Identity Thief, Hangover III). Rebel went from appearing in standout roles in a string of relatively funny movies (Bridesmaids, Pitch Perfect) to starring in a lousy unfunny TV show. They’ve got her going in the wrong fucking direction!

Hopefully “Super Fun Night” will quickly and quietly disappear and Rebel can wash the taste of shit out of her mouth and get back to doing comedy.